On Fall and Spiraling Inward

Fall energy hit me hard this year! Some might blame it on Mercury being retrograde, but this is even bigger than that. I know there’s like 6 planets in retrograde at the moment and this is a tremendous time for releasing what no longer serves your best interest. These past two weeks have been full of inward spiraling and trudging through old patterns, ways of being, how I think about myself and the experiences I've had in my life.

I know there's a big shift coming (for all of us really) because of all the old things that are coming up. I'm being called to let go of the hate and shame I have for some of my lived experiences - things I've done, and some things done to me.

I thought I'd done my work in the specific areas that came up, but shadow work is never done. There is always another layer to peel back and look under. Another nuance to the story of me...the old story I’ve carried, and the new one I get closer to every time I go just a little deeper.

These past weeks have taught me that I can't truly love myself until I love all that has shaped the me that I am now. That means loving all of my experiences. And that’s not easy because I’m human and I’ve made mistakes. I don’t love all the things I’ve done in response to my traumas and shadows.

But I also know I can't make that leap into my next journey until that baggage is released. And the energy of them can only be transmuted and released through love. I haven't been engaging with the world as much as I've been doing the work, processing, doing some more work, and a lot of letting go. I’m ready to come out of my little safe world though.

With it being October now, I'm focusing so much more on my ancestor practices and calling in my allies. I'm creating more intentional rituals into my day to strengthen my connection to my ancestors and my guides. I'm asking for their help in guiding my path and keeping me sane! I will trust in the process, myself, in spirit, and the work that I know that I'm here for.

October is full of strong energy, the veil between worlds is thinning, and I believe that we're all being asked to let go of some deep shit in order to move into what we really want. Deep energies call for some deep shadow work. So pay attention to signs, messages, synchronicities over the next couple of weeks that are there to guide you toward what you need to release that's in the way of what you really want. If you’re not seeing them, you can always ask for them to be clearer and more visible to you. There’s so much guidance and love available to us from our ancestors and guides.

What calls are you feeling this fall season? Where could you love yourself a little more?

If you want to learn more about connecting with your ancestors, and want to create some intentional practices in your life, or just want to hang out with some like-minded people I'd love for you to join me in my October workshop. You can find out more info and also sign up on my Workshops page.

Wishing you love & magick

~ Erica


4 Day, 4 Room Challenge to Add Magic into Your Life & Home