Tiny Rituals

Small steps to rediscover yourself and intentionally choose what your post-pandemic life will hold

Here we are.

The world has opened up again, slower in some places, faster in others, but getting back to normal has gone from feeling impossible to inevitable.

 The question is: Do we want to return? To the way things were? To how busy we were? To the social obligations, the clubs and committees, the activities?


Maybe it’s not just your pre-pandemic pants that don’t fit you anymore… it’s your pre-pandemic life. Maybe even your pre-pandemic self.

You’ve grown, you’ve changed, you’ve had to reorganize your schedule and your priorities. You’ve had to find other ways to work, to connect with friends, to exercise, to be with your family. And you’ve had to cut a lot of things out that you never considered optional before. But they are.

The thing is: After all of those changes, you can’t just snap back like a rubber band into your original shape. And that may be a gift in disguise.

Right now we have a rare and precious opportunity to choose what we want in our lives moving forward, and what to leave behind.


But how can you choose what you want the next phase of your life to look like, to include, to exclude? Based on what criteria?

That’s what Tiny Rituals is all about.

This is a program that helps you reconnect with the very essence of who you are: Your passions, your magick, your core self, your purpose, what lights you UP.


We do this through exploration and magick that take you through the deep work of remembering what you love, and what makes you you. And then we build little rituals into your life to keep you focused on those nuggets of truth, like…

What you love to do

What brings you child-like joy

What fills you up (because you’re living your purpose)

What makes you feel like the truest version of yourself


These tiny daily rituals are seeds we plant that grow into revelations you can’t ignore. Slowly, gently, they’ll re-weave the fabric of your life and make it into a cloak that is perfectly tailored to your authentic self.

And then, choosing what aligns with who you are becomes simple. Leaving behind what no longer serves you becomes easy. Setting and maintaining boundaries and saying “NO” stop being scary and start becoming gateways to living a life you truly love.

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Was that too much, too soon? Don’t worry. We’re working with tiny steps here. What is the tiniest thing you can do today that brings you joy?

We’ll start there.

Until you’re ready to tackle something bigger.

The more small wins you accrue, the stronger your sense of self becomes.


And that’s what we need to remember right now, because part of surviving this pandemic that nobody talks about is all the compromises we’ve made.

You’ve probably had to stop doing some things you loved, some things that you thought defined you.

You had to put a pin in your big goals and dreams. Travel? Nope. Starting a brick-and-mortar business? Nope. Going back to a classroom setting? Definitely not. Having more free time for YOU things? Not while home-schooling your kids!

You have had to sacrifice so much of yourself.


For me, the frustration showed up in a few ways.

When the pandemic first began, it felt like the apocalypse, and I wanted to take what joy I could out of every moment. So I drank too much, ate too much, stopped exercising as much, lost the will to venture outside, watched my muscles disappear and the gray hair grow in (I’m fine with the latter, by the way - wisdom sparkles are awesome). I didn’t feel like myself, and I didn’t even look like myself. Most importantly, I felt like crap.

It’s very hard to dig yourself out of a hole like that. Especially when none of the usual supports are available.

 So I started with one tiny ritual.

I committed to drinking 96oz of water a day. I got a fancy water bottle to keep track.

I did it for a week. Then two weeks. And I felt better. I felt like doing more.


So I added more protein to my vegetarian diet - my next tiny ritual.

I started to feel really good! I started to feel like moving again.


My next tiny ritual was to start my day with a workout, followed by a short meditation (or just a chat with Spirit).

I felt more focused, motivated and energized for the rest of the day…

And with more focus, motivation and energy, I started to feel creative. Ideas began flooding in. The desire to do, to make, was impossible to ignore.

This is how change happens. One tiny ritual at a time, seeing results that fuel our desire to create even more positive change.

That is the power of tiny rituals: harnessing the power of small, doable, daily positive changes to kickstart massive transformation.

 Tiny rituals work for any goal you have - getting back in shape, reconnecting with your spiritual practice — but my favorite way to use Tiny Rituals is to help women remember who they are, and what they love, so they can create tiny rituals that transform their whole lives.

And we need that now more than ever.

Because transformation is in the air. We have as close to a blank slate as we will ever experience again in our lifetimes. We can choose to spend our time doing what fills us up and expresses our purpose… or…

We can choose to go ‘back to normal.’

I don’t want that. Do you?

I want a new normal. A better normal.

 So I’m asking you to join me in this program to get back in touch with who we are and what we truly want for ourselves - and start the practice of Tiny Rituals to make big shifts happen.

In our time together we will…


Week 1: Clear out the Old

We’ll explore through shadow work exercises to help clear out what isn’t working, what you’re judging yourself for. You’ll also learn a self-love ritual to help you forgive your past self.

Week 2: Define Your Values + Choose Your First Tiny Ritual

Without deep meaning and purpose, changes don’t stick. That’s why this week we focus on defining what matters to you, KonMari style. You’ll learn how to keep what brings you joy and then explore a creative practice to connect with what you love.

Week 3: Find Your Vision of Your Best Self + Tiny Ritual Check-In

We’ll explore your pre-pandemic and pre-adult self to see what used to bring you joy and what you used to love to do. We’ll then move into visioning your ideal day and connect you with the joy of it in the now. And of course, a new tiny ritual for the next week that will bring you closer to this vision.

Week 4: Integration + Tiny Ritual Expansion

Life happens, right? This week is all about troubleshooting real-world obstacles that pop up and building simple magick into your day to support you.

Bonus Day: Q&A & Designing Your Monthly Plan

This week is all about answering any questions and teaching you how to build a plan for your success. You’ll learn a repeatable process you can plan out your month to be in alignment with what matters to you.

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In our 4 weeks together you’ll get:

  • 4 group calls over the course of six weeks (60-90 minutes)

  • Workbooks, creative exercises, and ritual prompts to remind you to ‘tune in’ to you

  • Magick homework to help you tap into your true essence (don’t worry, these are optional but are so what many of us need right now!)

  • Private Facebook group to support each other & ask questions between calls.

  • Extra Q&A call; drop in, ask questions, get help wherever you might be feeling stuck or need more support

  • My motivational Spotify Playlist - because Rocky had a soundtrack to his musical montage, and so should YOU!


Investment Options

Need more flexible payment options?

Reach out to me via email and we can set up a payment option that works for you.


Program Call Details:

  • Group call details TBD for next group session

  • Calls will be recorded and shared in the Facebook group for those that can’t attend live.

  • You’ll have the opportunity to post questions for the Q&A session within the Facebook group if you can’t attend live!