Reclaiming your stories

I wasted years letting old stories run my life. I wasted so much time thinking that I was the only one with shame, guilt, and feeling miserably stuck at times.

  • Years of my youth where I could have been happier.

  • My own well being, and my health (hello autoimmune diseases 😓).

  • Years in the false “comfort” of a toxic job that took more than it gave.

All my energy was consumed trying to make everyone else happy, and I ended up failing miserably at knowing what I wanted - for my life, for a job, or sometimes even just what I wanted for dinner.

I tried ALL THE THINGS to figure out who I was again. I joined a million courses, spent tons of money on retreats, and took all the career and life purpose quizzes. All left me still feeling stuck, still disconnected, and still not knowing who I really was deep down inside.

That was my life, until it wasn't. I got fed up with the thought that this was all there was…and decided I wouldn’t let myself continue to drown in silence. So I started speaking up, slowly reclaiming my stories and finding my voice again. Why was reclaiming my voice and my stories so important?

  1. Talking helps release the dead weight of shame and blame from stories.

  2. When you share, you know you’re not alone.

  3. Breaking the silence also let’s others know they’re not alone.

I shared the uncomfortable parts of me, the worries, the shame, the guilt. And I found the release on the pressure valve of my life.

Things got a little easier knowing I wasn't alone. The more I reclaimed, the more ease I found with myself and who I really was (not the bad person I'd conjured up in my mind for so long).

I dug deeper into what I really wanted, needed. And I discovered what had been missing this whole time that finally opened up the door to uncovering my true self and how to live a life fully aligned.

It was me.

I also stopped feeling guilty for wanting more.

I stopped blaming and hating myself.

I stopped trying to change everyone else.

And I started allowing myself to feel. Holy crap, I began to understand who I was again and what the hell I really wanted for my life! For the first time in my life I could FINALLY answer the question of, “What makes you happy?”

Does any of that sound familiar? Have you struggled with thinking you're going at this life alone? What support system do you have in place, or can you put into place, to help you reclaim your stories?

If I can do this, you can too. I believe in you.

Wishing you love & magic.

~ Erica


On Finding Myself Again


The One Thing Women Struggle With